4Q185 as its enumeration suggests is an early, Allegro publication of the Judaean Desert series from Qumran (v. 4). Some publications have reviewed it, such as Matthew Goff, Discerning Wisdom (Brill, 2007) ch. 4 (concluded, pdf). If you have $125 lying around Isabell Christine Hoppe is revisiting it, also Brill.
I don't have $125 for this and find Brill unreasonable to expect this of you, dear reader. So this post defaults to Goff.
According to Goff, 4Q185 is a non-Yahad work aligning with Ben Sira - and with Psalm 1. The Dead Sea Scroll uses the Psalter and the "covenant" to propose the Bible as the fount of Wisdom. Wisdom is female, as in the later layers of the Psalter and Proverbs; but 4Q185 won't reify "her" as hard as some postJewish near-pagan feminists have done, nor even as Ben Sira or (say) Baruch.
Goff notes that 4Q185-as-4Q185 relies further on Isaiah 40. This is where Hoppe seems to depart. Hoppe is arguing that this is a redaction. In this case, the base-text behind 4Q185 might not, in fact, rely upon the Isaiah Scroll as we have it.
Although that does not mean that the "Vorlage" precedes shah Cyrus II. I am still seeing Hellenism in this impulse. When does the Hagia-Sophia first arise in the Semitic Near East?