Friday, December 3, 2021

Nine rings to mortal men

Steven Pinker is now getting called out as an Epstein client. As one who made his bones in better work. As one coasting on that work, stretching into current affairs, despite being bad at the latter.

I have said exactly that about Bret Weinstein, a figure more approved on the Right these days but - Same Energy. (As the cool kids call it.) Pinker and Weinstein used to travel together in that "Intellectual Dark Web" which was never as cool as advertised. In fairness Weinstein didn't chill on Girlie Island, as Pinker did; but that's more likely because Weinstein wasn't important enough.

C.S. Lewis wrote often on temptation as tied with ambition. It's a running theme of The Screwtape Letters and the whole plot of That Hideous Strength; if you haven't the time to read those (I've read the first, couldn't finish the second UPDATE!) then at least read "The Inner Ring" h/t

Lewis here teaches - although some readers miss it - that although Sauron owns the One Ring (is the One Ring!), when he offers you one of the lesser rings, he has several from which you might choose. If you don't take the ring of the Party, you might take the ring of those opposed to the Party. Take care lest the latter ring serve the same lord.

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