Thursday, December 23, 2021

NOAA grants SpaceX time to fix the Raptor factory stalling approval for the launch.

I disagree with Zim that we focus on these "bureaucrats" as "unelected". First, they are implementing the desires of the slovenly, envious, and maleducated electorate who got them into their bureaux. That is a more northeastern electorate, we shall allow - and it might be changing. But. What if we did let The Local Community vote on it? How's it going in Camden?

Also Elon Musk, G-d bless and keep him, has the autist's eye for individual targets not quite seeing that those targets all attend the same yoga club. When anyone goes on Babylon Bee, mocks Bezos, identifies CNN as a paedo den, and slams Elizabeth Warren; these people are allies to one another and to the Administrative State.

I will agree with Zim that a civilisation cannot be run like this and remain a civilisation for long.

As for what to do: more space-scientists need to make their voices heard. Say someone like, oh, Triton Station made half as much noise about Starship development now as he did about "black lives" last year. We might actually have our Triton Station, and supplies to man it. Okay okay, that'd be a Lunar station, to start with, but...

And the government of Texas should get involved. NOAA is acting like a court. In that capacity it is denying Elon Musk his Sixth Amendment right to a swift legal process. We see what happens when rocket engineering has no deadlines; this isn't a joke.

UPDATE 3:40 PM MST: Oh look, Putin has a space programme too. You want Elon to head up the Energia Β Projekt? Because that's what NOAA is going to get.

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