Friday, June 16, 2023

The hard pass

Here's a SF by Owen D. Pomery about the end of nonrenewable resources in... a galaxy.

The Expanse was sus-enuff in its claims that Ceres would run out of water before Mars was terraformed. (Phosphour would have been a better macguffin.) "Galaxy" implies FtL travel. What's the nonrenewable? Dilithium crystals?

Apropos of nothing I've been enjoying some comfy Firefly SF on RoyalRoad. Not the hardest SF but it's got to be better than the bien-pensant I-HEART-SCIENCE stuff on Twitter. (If you step past the LitRPG lorry-victims.) "Hard Luck Hermit" is okay if a bit fedora on religion; this one develops a plot about a, er, plot. "Flights of the Addax", which I'm reading betwixt the first one's updates, has a (too?) human universe.

I concede "HLH" is arguably on the isekai side itself inasmuch as the main-character is about the only human who's managed off of Earth. But at least the m.c. seems a believably imperfect soul; and the aliens around him aren't all 2.33m amazons and/or catgirls like some other SF authors this blog shan't be naming tonight. Pomery in-fairness seems resistant to this temptation; his wankery goes more to the political. (I suppose the resources aren't sufficient to feed the purple amazons.)

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