Monday, December 4, 2023

Scalar-field solutions

If Milgrom doesn't work, then what? A few more papers have come in over the weekend concerning non-CDM solutions to various problems we got. I needed a few more days on this one.

One paper last Friday fingers exactly Milgrom, to resolve the Hubble Tension, of that constant there named Hubble-Lemaître. I do wish the press-release had pressed the authors harder against Milgrom.

Overall (h/t Turtle) Tonatiuh Matos, Luis A. Ureña-López, and Jae-Weon Lee offer a fresh summary of the non-CDM, er... "field". (Pun not intended.) Where Milgrom dared modify Newton, these theories would modify Einstein. They have in common, to introduce a scalar field, like the Higgs. Milgrom actually turns out to be one solution to the problems engaged in the scalar-field models, so those models don't rule Milgrom out. (The data rule Milgrom out; again, this paper doesn't engage all that...)

Johanan Moffat wears his "MOG" on his sleeve. MOG would add to general-relativity, two gravitational degrees of freedom. First, the gravitational coupling G would no longer be constant; it would be 1/χ where χ is his scalar field. The second-up is a new vector field, φμ. This is the bit I don't understand: The gravitational coupling of the vector field to matter is universal with the gravitational charge Qg.

Apparently Moffat's two new fields don't fail the wide-angle low-mass test. Moffat insists, in lieu of "a0", the system size and length size scale. Other theories should likewise stand or fall on that test. But how does Moffat do against Hubble-Lemaître?

And we still have questions about mass itself. Does the χ field relate to the Higgs field? If not, where are the χ bosons? What to say of axions, neutrinos... gravitons?

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