Monday, December 4, 2023

Where Yamara has to live

Back when I was collecting Dragon magazines one highlight was the "Yamara" comic, serialised in that publication. Yamara was a halfling in a fantasy world, which world its author - in typical irony - named "Wyhtl". Its author went on to poast comments in various fora, under this name - revealing herself as a modern-wave feminist.

We gamers are familiar with the type. If any man, manboy perhaps given that we're gamers, puts a foot wrong then it is White Male Terrorism. Many game-authors, like Sean Reynolds, chose to whiteknight against those manboys. Reynolds was in the nobility; Reynolds' fans - and Yamara's fans - are the filthy peasants. HOW DARE THEY. (Now you understand #gamergate.)

Anyway sometime last decade, in some webcomic or other, some manboy (wasn't me that time) showed up at the comments, to blurt NAMALT basically. Yamara dropped by - hey, celebrity visit - to say, if you complain that we are painting with a broad brush, you are standing in the way of the brush. Don't start nuthin won't be nuthin. Say sunthin and it better agree with Yamara.

I'm reminded of that as I read the turtle's other blog: If you have more insight into why anyone is who isn't a horrible human being would support Donald Trump, I'd welcome it. The vast majority of his supporters that I've met (and sometimes have to do business with) are horrible human beings. I suspect this be the turtle's real blog . . .

I call absolute shens that the turtle would welcome any poast like, er, this one. The turtle has a prejudice; he can justify it, but it remains a prejudice. Arguing against that prejudice has a name now: sealion. I do hope that the turtle's "welcome" isn't channelling Kafka. I'll attempt a line around that invitation, instead.

How did we get to this point? How did we get to casual dreams about mass murder? Well... the turtle's got two blogs and that might imply he's online too much. Kurzgesagt considers this harmful. Some consider Kurzgesagt a Gates puppet; not everyone likes Gates, although Gates-haters mostly cluster on the Right these days.

I have a contrasting theory.

Say you already start out disliking, oh, Black people. You are not going to da klub. You are not going to upscale Black clubs; I used to live in Houston, these establishments exist. By various accidents I sometimes ended up in them, and experienced some fine interactions with the patrons and staff. Someone prejudiced - I won't call him a "racist", yet - wouldn't dare.

Here's the problem - in a South city, that melanophobiac will have interactions anyway. Those interactions by definition will not be solicited. They'll be with panhandlers, or with aggressive jerks on the sidewalk, even with criminals if he is unlucky. None of these interactions stand to cure his prejudice. They might even make a racist of him.

What sort of man does Yamara meet in internet comments, but defensive men who aren't good at talking with women in person. It is mostly feminine blogs as even talk about sealions. I assume Yamara talks to some men in real life, but they're men she's curated. I don't think she much tries spaces where men are men without caring what Yamara thinks. Any more than some n00b from an Ohio suburb is going to seek out a proper jazz club.

What sort of Trump voter does the turtle meet? - those he ha[s] to do business with, and those who force their business upon the turtle.

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