Saturday, July 27, 2024

Constraining Gliese 1002 b

I stumbled onto Kosmo's youtube on K-452, which we've met last year as a possible photosynthetic. This particular vlog didn't offer anything new so - to fill opportunity for youtube ads I guess - burbled a bit on... GJ 1002, which we've also met, the year before that. Kosmo claimed estimates on mass and even on volume. I found that of interest because last I looked, we had only a minimum mass and no volume. This isn't a transit or some εIndi which we can actually look at. The best I could do was Hill Spheres, for masses.

As of this month I would, myself, impose some constraints on composition as well.

GJ 1002, although like GJ 12 not terribly flarey, has a wide Alfvén. Unless we're looking at these planets face-on so dealing with a superearth or two, b has no air - so no surface liquid. It's a barren rock. I figured it as a "huronian" so it could pile up some nice glaciers 'round the back but nobody's living on this thing.

Same goes for Wolf 1069.

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