Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Bacchae

Angelo Plume and Joey Jo Jo Cochran would like to quell some of the Christian outrage over the Olympics. Bedfellows indeed; not so strange however, inasmuch as Counter-Currents and Patheos agree on Gaza and on "the JQ" generally.

Joey Jo Jo would pretend that this outrage is "evangelical", not knowing or (more likely) erasing the bishops' response in France. Following a common trope over on Patheos, it's not the story that's the story; it's how icky proles react to the story. See also, the child slave trade; Augustine, for Patheos, had expended his last years in vain.

If someone complains about the content without visual proof, that someone would - rightly - be suspected as making stuff up. But if proof is provided, this is "voyeuristic". Joey Jo Jo won't address that this blasphemy was intended as a "New Gay Testament".

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