Thursday, November 28, 2024

Alex Jay Brady's space habitat

It's Turkey Day. Here's Alex Jay Brady's stratified future. Without radiators LOL. That aside I'll review the rest of it.

Brady includes a fusion reactor. It is separated from the rest by distance, reservoirs of water, and the inverse-square law. I deem this SyFy and silly. He seems to be using this to orbit Saturn, low on light and metal. Why's he even at Saturn? If he's there why's he not colonising Titan and using methane waterfalls? Energy could be beamed from there. Leaving aside the titanic dynamo of Saturn himself.

THAT aside, a hangar shares that far end. I don't mind this as much. The ships at that hangar might be carrying some nukes, themselves - fission, mostly, but also fusion-afterburner and z-pinch (so with hot nozzles). The ships' very hulls, further, have been taking on plenty o' curies/ roentgen/ becquerels/ whathaveyou between missions, just from space. And the distance gives the Authorities space to turn inbound freight into tinylittle pieces should they be approaching the wrong velocity-vector. Might be overkill but if that's all I got, I'll defer to Brady.

Socially I dislike the highend / lowend / ultrahighend differentials. I feel like most interplanetary habs will be dug out of rubble. Everyone gets roughly the same under dirt: hollow chambers. We might get fully-fabricated O'Neills later. But would O'Neills ever get a tail of lowend? If someone's a bum, he gets exiled down to Mars. If someone's got a low tolerance for other people, he can work as a Belt miner or maintain a cycler on downtime.

Brady might work best for orbits as don't own much metal. That's my 13-10-8 Laplacian between Earth and Venus - actually Venus generally and all else below our 1 AU. Also Earth's L4 and L5. These get sufficient light none need a fusion reactor. Further out is enough rock and ice that the rubble-pile rules.

Also possible is the long-range colony vessel. Push the thing to biëlliptic = Oberth, aim at Uranus, spin around, decel until orbit-insertion at Ariel I guess. Mine those moons for whatever else will be nice for the journey. After a few years decide who gets to stay at the, er, arse-end of the Solar System; and who gets to go on to Prox.

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