Saturday, November 2, 2024


We're big on airships over here, not least for Venus colonisation, but the tech-tree has been languishing out here on Earth. Casey Handmer's run up a few posts on that tech. Not hearing anything from Brin, I checked in on all that this... month, and up came "Cargo airships are happening" from one Eli Dourado.

Why is this important? Because I'm sick of American ports being as bad as they are, no thanks (as usual) to the Biden Administration and its Transportation Secretary. It was known two decades ago that the west coast longshoremen were literal CPUSA. East coast was hardly better; they were mobbed up. I understand that the west is more efficient, so - hooray Stalinist efficiency. I guess?

Last month it came out that our ports aren't automated. As Reason noted - they should be.

I am unsure why all this is tolerated. I suspect it would "help" that we make stuff within our borders. To that end, bad ports serve as hidden tariffs. Be nice if our IRS got to see those revenues, though; not the hard Left or the @#$%in' Mob.

Dourado sees airships outcompeting aeroplanes for ocean-to-inland cargo. They could well compete with those seaports.

BACKDATE 11/17 and this time I'm actually sorry about it.

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