The HPV vax is a success-story. So is the measles vaxx.
In the interest of Fairness Doctrine, Dr Syed Haider asks us instead to normalize measles and other mild childhood illnesses that simply train the immune system
. Haider goes on to include mumps(!) and rubella. I haven't asked the good doctor his ratings for polio or hepatitis-B. This feeds into a (selfish) narrative of too-many from the Baby Boom generation and older: they believe they are stronger for surviving what their peers did not.
Meanwhile, Amy Proal ponders corona spike proteins. Proal is talking the virus; some on the RFK side are more-concerned with spikes from the vaXxX. (Especially if they've been off on Slay News and/or Vox Popoli looking up the fake journals linked there. Or listening to Viganò on Hoft's site in between accusations of climate-tampering. BUT I DIGRESS)
My knowledge of immunology might not be on par with Dr Haider's (I'm more a math nerd) but I do recall that antibodies are not the spikes; they kill the virus bearing the spikes. So any vaxXXx will less-likely injure you than it will injure viruses like the one I contracted earlier this month. That the spikes do remain adrift is important. Cleaning those away, should be something all agree on.
The let-'er-rip crew should be something we all agree against. What does not kill does not, here, make stronger.
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