To the surprise of nobody, least of all this blog (which stayed quiet lately), Robert F Kennedy's promotion is already sowing the wind. Louisiana is now off the vaccines - all of them. This when a measles outbreak is already ensuite (I'll spot you one and blame Biden).
Vaccine-injury for all its hype is not a thing. The crazy moms - their own word for themselves - swear up and down that they are arguing against interest: Do you think we want to blame the vaccines? We denied this until every other cause had been ruled out. You think we want to feel guilty?
They are lying, first of all to themselves.
Yes, I say: you do want to feel guilty. You do want a world where you have answers that are not in your genes, but (somehow) in your own agency. You do want to reverse time and change a decision.
If you did change that decision and your kid ended up "damaged" anyway, you would now be a fanatic for the vaccine. That's the gene in yourself. As Calvinist as this sounds.
Now herd-immunity is going away and more infants won't have that reprieve before the first measle hits.
Mitch McConnell may well be the only Republican left in the Senate with integrity.
CROW 2/20: Vaccine injury is a thing for mRNA. How hard a thing, is now the question.
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