Sunday, July 7, 2019

Biography of a young god

In the utterchaos of the multiverse, wherein "time" and "space" have no meaning, shreds of the chaos conjoin and make meaning. Some of these form enough of a shell that said bubble can maintain something like the time-dimension in our universe. In these shells, dwell the gods.

Such bubbles in the multiverse - Dungeons and Dragons calls them, "planes" - are able to contain entities with intelligence, and to retain them. Let's call these bubbles "amniotic".

Within their amniotes, newly-formed self-created gods will be like newly-formed babes, without even the sense of instinct. But, since they have time on their side (so to speak), they can grow mentally.

Some intelligences take over their plane and use it, like our brains use our bodies. Others find ways to exit their birth-plane and to become free-floating planes of their own. Whether they subsumed their amniotic plane or else budded off from it, free-floating sentient planes are gods - absolute despots of their own selves.

Here is, per universe-bubble, where the first ethical choice was made. Did one sentient destroy all its rivals in its own amniotic plane, on the way to godhood? did certain sentients collaborate amongst themselves? did they merge, or spin off descendants?

Once freed of the amniotes, gods float through the multiverse with the memories of what they did there. Friendships and animosities were made, and qualities like "mercy" and "judgement".

In victory, some gods spared the sentients who lost these struggles; the latter souls are incarcerated in special planes, which planes they cannot (easily) escape or subsume. The Greeks named this concept "Tartaros". Here the cycle begins again. Maybe its "titans" can make a better effort this time.

So, the cosmology of the Bagestan: countless planes and - from them - countless gods. Each mindless plane and each mindful god contains internal logic and some analogue of "time". Concepts of order, mercy, life, and death exist outside Divine definition. Some planes are amniotic, that is self-created; of these, some have an internal order which its inhabitants set out before they became gods. The other planes, the gods created secondarily.

There is a Heaven - one Heaven. No god lives there. All the gods a human would want to worship, are trying to get there.

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