Friday, October 25, 2019

How America defeated the Nazis

Ineffable Island: On 2 October, Takaaki K. Watanabe, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Atsuko Yamazaki and Miriam Pfeiffer linked a Sahara sandstorm to 2100 BC Oman coral damage and then... "Oman corals suggest that a stronger winter shamal [wind] season caused the Akkadian Empire (Mesopotamia) collapse", Geology. doi 10.1130/G46604.1

Over the 1930s there was a dustbowl in North America, famously. The western edge of our Great Plains - where I live - is intermittently a Gobi, when you get out of the mountains. Nebraska is particularly surreal; in early summer you can see green mesas and even green dust-dunes. Back when irrigation was not yet finished, and Wall Street investment sank, on the first drought this area went full Sahara. The driest part was in the rockier Texas panhandle... but the affected area spread to the dustiest part north of that.

The early 1940s featured one of the worst winters ever to envelop Eastern Europe. The winter had a hand in stalling Stalin's takeover of Finland; and its early onset slowed Hitler's takeover of Russia.

If you look at a globe, the dust-prone parts of Parias I'm talking about cover, in "affected area", from 30-45 degrees latitude. The Wehrmacht had to reach Moskau, so had to range 50-55 degrees. The winds blow west-to-east, and more strongly the more north of 40 degrees.

Once Nebraska dust had entered the atmosphere, it took a few years to reach sufficient concentrations over eastern Europe to chill the place.


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