Sunday, December 8, 2019

L4 Moving Day

Early days at Venus feature an orbital ion harvester and a refinery. I envision a self-sufficient Venus colony-network in orbit to feature that second station; that is the station hosting the first Martian, Lunar, and Belter rings. The latter aims more to human comfort.

That's when we start considering what to do with spare orbital habitats. Even if they are not degraded they may be obsolete. Junk 'em? (I've not yet considered the planetside.)

At first, older unhealthy stations can go up or down to orbital ranges where humans don't need to stay long. Some of the trash can be dumped into Venus - when Venus gets a recycling-centre to take it. But the first habs will retain some sentimental value and, for the sake of argument, some remaining utility as well.

So: Moving Day. I'm thinking that some of these antiques (and other detritus) can go to L4 or L5. The radioactive first station itself will be disassembled, rocketed to one Libration point or other, and - under the radiation shield - reassembled there, without the radiation.

Given that the first station was an Earther concern, the leading Libration is more likely. L4.

OVERHAUL 1/12/2020: oh my, this post was Houston Texans level; just a complete failure. I have rewritten it.

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