Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Why wouldn't you?

Someone polled my erstwhile countrymen on whether they'd go to the Moon, and if not why not. Safety was guaranteed.

I've made some attempt to organise the reasons - to guess at why they came up with such reasons.

The most serious such complaints amounted to two. Four percent responded that the money would be better spent here. These are Communists. Nine percent denied that safety could be guaranteed. These are pedants, and at base a subset of the "scared" 5% and the fear-of-flying 5%. The Communists deserve some respect inasmuch as they've noted that somebody has to pay for it all. The pedants earn respect for calling out a poorly worded question.

I think that the 96% non-Marxists are awaiting an incentive before they'd consider space travel. Given the dangers, the expense, and the time: what would encourage people to visit another planet other than to carve "Kilroy wuz here" on a rock? And on Venus, which by the way takes longer to get to, most visitors won't even get down to the ground to do that.

This is why (for the Venus case) I put a premium on avoiding boredom.

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