Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Sundaland Noah

Out Of Africa was a phenomenon of the 70s and 60s kBC. Some went north, didn't mix with Neanders, and became "Basal Eurasians". Others went east, mixing with the Neanders and Denisovans they found there. Some of the latter stayed along the Indian Ocean coast, where the climate stayed not unlike their African homeland; of these, some reached the southwestern bulge now named Sundaland. Here they thrived.

Sundaland was a low-lying area. In the Eemian, much of it had been submerged, leaving behind islands like Borneo and Java. It is submerged today, also.

Around 50 kBC, when the coasts weren't unduly watery, came a backsurge. Pille Halast last December posted to bioArxiv: male lineages extant today are all Sundaland in origin. (h/t hbdchick.)

If you're R1a, R1b, or Q - IndoEuropean, Chadic(!), or American - you're in the "K-M9" group for this purpose and, thereby, southeast Asian through the male line. The IJK group, likewise. That pretty much does it for Europe.

COMMENT 5:45 PM MST - I forgot, the people who washed back from Sunda hadn't mixed with Denisova in the meantime. Denisova was too far north.

More interesting is the modern-human front-surge, over to Sahul - likely contemporary. Here is where we find paraDenisova . . .

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