Thursday, August 26, 2021

Prussians in Bohemia

If you'd been following Davidski, you already knew that Yamnaya and Corded-Ware (later Bell Beaker) were not exactly the same. They did have mutual contacts, and maybe border war; but one did not overrun the other. Here is a paper constraining that, h/t hbdchick. These genes come from Bohemia.

Corded Ware arrives at 2900 BC - at that point, a diverse bunch. After a century, three groups coëxisted. Then... oh my:

sharp reductions and complete replacements of Y-chromosomal diversity at ~2600 and ~2400 BCE, respectively, the latter accompanied by increased Neolithic-like ancestry. The Bronze Age saw new social organization emerge amid a ≥40% population turnover.

For "replacements of Y", read "some foreign men did some John Norman Gor shit". By "Neolithic-like ancestry", drilling into the paper, it's from the northeast - from the Baltics. There is R1a but it is forest R1a - some steppe, but not predominant.

Not Aryans - and not Germans, neither. Some may find hard to believe that West Baltic could have been spoken in Bohemia, but then... they do call themselves "Czechs" speaking Slavic today, so If It Happens Now etc etc. This is early in the Bronze Age but not so early that Proto-Celtic and, er, Pre-Prussian were the same; we'll be hearing from Greeks and Mitanni in "only" 1200 years. Between 2400 BC and when the Romans show up, what, 50 BC is plenty of time for a para-Prussian relict population in Bohemia to give up and to switch to Celtic or German. Like the actual Prussians would do.

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