Thursday, October 14, 2021

Great Barrington

I was aware of that portentiously-named Great Barrington Declaration, the Mayflower Compact of the let-'er-rip crowd. I didn't mention it because, unlike Zimmerman et al., I thought it was stupid. The correct response to a virus is to wait for the vaccine; when everyone has immunity who wants it, then let-'er-rip. So the GBD's signatories were fools who made a deadly mistake. Blue Lives Matter, as Hanania points out.

All that said, the GBD presents the correct declaration for a post-vaccine era. The signatories may be ushered back into scientific circles if they admit as much.

Zimmerman now presents the case of Martin Kulldorff, epidemiologist for Brigham Womens' Hospital and a medical professor in Harvard Med. Kulldorff last year besmirched his C.V. with the Declaration. Currently he opposes vaccine mandates, contra Civis. On the other hand Kulldorff also advised the CDC on vaccine safety, so directly or indirectly helped write this page, which says like I do: the vaccines beat catching the Pooh Flu itself.

As for whether LinkedIn should be censoring the "Brownstone Institute" and/or Kulldorff's essays, on the one hand LinkedIn is a monopoly which shouldn't exist outside fascism. On the other hand why is LinkedIn even hosting essays? Kulldorff should find somewhere else to run his blog.

I'll be first in line not to read it.

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