Thursday, October 28, 2021


Tree Of Woe explains why your frathouse can't do a Taco Tuesday: spoliatio.

I never thought "cultural appropriation" was good rhetoric. It's been widely noted that appropriating facets from other cultures is... Diversity as advertised, witness the Italians' takeover of [North Asian] pasta especially after they got the [Mesoamerican] xitomatl. That meme fails to convince in exactly the same way the "Latinx" meme fails, coming as it does from the same fat schoolboard types.

Spoliation, on the other hand, is a rhetorical Kill Shot. It sounds like something that has spoiled. And the word is just shorter.

Although... perhaps "Cultural Appropriation" and "Latinx" are in our language exactly because they don't work. In this Soviet system, the landwhales on the schoolboard write the Newspeak Dictionary. You will use their language or you will be shut out.

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