Monday, July 10, 2023

The plunder and salvation of Atira

I'm continuing my thoughts on Atira. I said we didn't want it. We want parts of it. And by "we" as my readers can imagine I am considering mainly Venus. [OR 8/23: the lunar north. But we're starting with Venus.]

First let's look at Atira / Venus, at mutual inclination 22.22342°. Atira and Venus will, periodically, come within, what, 0.0178 AU on the shared plane. Venus' Hill is a million km; 0.0066 AU.

Next: Newton, that mean sonufab!tch. Atira has gravity; it's even got a "moon". Getting stuff off its Hill will require some action-reaction, even if we use sails to take the materiel the rest of the way. To sum up: a mass-driver is coming to Atira. Energy, at least, is cheap down here. Atira's orbit shall be adjusted accordingly.

Where the mass-driving of Atira's bits-n'-pieces be going all the way to Earth, the rest of its 0.7411 AU can, I think, get pulled to Venus' 0.723332 AU. The 1:1 resonant Cruithnelike is what our system does not want. Instead, we aim for a high Venus orbit or the Venus Equilaterals or why not all three. (On the other side should the mass-driving be going inbound, toward Venus, that can raise the remainder's perihelion and semimajor both: for one or more of Hop David's Earth/Venus Hohmann Cyclers. But - read on.)

However we do it, Venus and Earth, and maybe beyond, should be draining Atira to its barest rock. Atira will never take the masses of human colonists and infrastructure which Jensen proposes -

- at least, not as Atira. I expect Atira will be serving EarthLuna first until the three remaining chunks of rock get into those Venus-friendly orbits, at which point they become our system's central stations. What goes for Atira goes for the whole Atira class of wandering rocks between 0.73-1.0 AU; split up between our two planets' orbits.

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