Saturday, September 2, 2023

American Avignon

This blog hasn't had cause to look into Scott Hahn since November 2020, when I was reading Politicizing the Bible. I am of mixed-mind on his wing of Catholic apologetic generally - and there is a wing, as the wider world is finding out. When word got out to my church that I am a sometime Semite, I got assigned to read Hahn's books on the Eucharist. I thought those were... good. PtB on the other hand was cowritten with Ben Wiker the intelligent-design dude.

Hahn is now in trouble for announcing his support for something the Texan bishop Joseph Strickland said (pdf). This bishop was warning his flock of the upcoming synod, which might run against historic Church teachings. Strickland is in that In Sinu Jesu wing with Viganò; which wing, Michael Lewis and I consider harmful. It happens that another bishop, more Italian-based, has a history of bizarre statements concerning the human family. As of 28 August Viganò will not address "Bergoglio" by his Papal name, and holds his Papacy as nominal. Smells like sedeprivatio-theory.

Lewis has asserted Hahn as being within this mire; upon receiving some slings-and-arrows, Lewis is now displaying himself like a pudgier Saint Sebastian. Which is not to say that Hahn's supporters are covering themselves in gloria, either.

I'll lay out my cards here: where the French-Enlightenment ran up against the thought of Hahn (and Wiker), three years ago my blog declared fraternité with the former. Hahn wrote as if, should the Pope preach that 2+2=5, those saying 2+2=4 are suspect with the ulterior motive of supporting a local tyrant against him. I haven't seen reason to change that assessment. Sean Swain Martin would appear to agree in his book, The American Pope. [UPDATE 9/6: I read the thesis it's based on. It's not good.]

I admit I do hold out hope for an Erasmian streak in Hahn. He is a former Protestant, and a man with deep intellectual curiosity; I feel he would prefer to strike a path more-independent than his publishers demand of him.

I hold out little similar hope for Lewis. I find his self-presentation to be a case of Crying Out As He Strikes You. I find it to be gamma.

I have to wonder about Brant Pitre and bishop Barron and others, where/when they'll enter this dispute.

STRICKLAND 11/11/23: He's done. Everyone needs to look to when their number comes up.

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