Friday, April 5, 2024

Mirrond's Long War

I'm back on RoyalRoad, going through what Japanese would term lightnovels. I've found very few since last June as are remotely readable. But "Mirrond" seems to have a good one, in its second draught: Long War.

Browser-history tells me I started this on Tuesday, got to chapter 7 Wednesday, 12 Thursday when the autoimmune funtimes began and am "now" on 22. [As of poasting: 30.]

On its face it is an isekai-in-sci-fi, also with timeskip: like, Asimov's Pebble In The Sky. Here the MC, one Christopher Hall, has skipped onto a spaceship of exploration. The merrie men must navigate a spiral-arm controlled by Ideologies. Here we're dealing with Russel's The Great Explosion, except that Mirrond is (much) more cynical and almost-certainly hasn't read Russel.

Mirrond's prose isn't perfect, which he knows, so he's already planning a third whipthrough. His universe is vast, arguably too vast for the storyline - we'll see.

Mirrond likely would not object if you accused him of rewriting the series Andromeda, with a few anime touches and at least indirect exposure to Warhammer 40000. Yes there are catgirls. And space elves. There's in-universe reasons for their existence.

As to those BestGirls: Mirrond is not Snekguy. (Keeping in mind: Snekguy isn't always Snekguy; and anyway this post is no place to review that one's work.) Mirrond seems to be moderately Christian, or at least in Dawkins' congregation. The ideologies which Hall approves are two or three: the small-c catholics, a democratic alliance, and a social democracy. Hall prefers the latter two but is happy to cheer the catholics if they're up for Crusade on Lovecraft patsies, slavers, and/or NSDAP LARP.

I get the impression that if Mirrond hasn't read as much Sci-Fi as I have, he's read a good deal more political-theory and criticism thereof. I haven't read Bernard Crick since college, and never read Ayn Rand beyond some essays. Unfortunately writing science-fiction for Kennedy-era moderates marks one as "alt right" in the Biden-era, so Mirrond hasn't had the accolades he deserves, for even making the attempt.


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