Saturday, November 16, 2019

Another review of a poor paint-job

Laurent Guyénot has a long post over at Unz - home of overly long posts - to discuss Holocaust revisionism. I'm restricting myself here to extracting what, there, is said about the German government's part in events relating to 1930s German Jewry. Consider it another review.

Spoiler: the Austrian painter doesn't come off well.

First - for background - Germany perceived three sorts of Jew: the Diaspora Jew abroad, mainly eastern (like me); the German shopkeeper at home; and the Zionist, with his heart in Jerusalem. Hitler was anti-Zionist from the start, from Mein Kampf. That book didn't approve any other sort of Jew, either. When the German elites saw fit to elevate this man to Chancellor, on 24 March 1933 Judea Declared War On Germany.

Hitler's response was to proclaim to the world that he was holding Germany's Jewish population hostage : Jewry must recognize that a Jewish war against Germany will lead to sharp measures against Jewry in Germany. Bad things happen in the passive voice, as Loewen would say. And so by the end of the month Hitler proclaimed a boycott against Jewish businesses.

This was of a piece with that infamous "annihilation" speech in 1939. Again, Hitler made a "prophecy" in the passive and third-person style; if there was a world war, the Jews of Europe would face Vernichtung. But who'd have the authority to do it? There was only one power on the planet whose Führer had made a platform out of Judenhass.

Guyénot and others here raise other facts, admittedly inconvenient to the "Holocaust" topos. For instance: that Hitler and the Zionists had at first made an alliance of convenience, for the "racial hygiene" of both German and Semite alike. Guyénot is probably even right. But Hitler's heart - as noted - was never in Zionism. When the German imperial interest pointed to an alliance with the Arabs, Hitler gladly took the Mufti's side over the nascent Israelis'. I submit that Hitler did not need much prompting. A radical thought in these circles, I know . . .

Said circles can dress it all up as they will. Guyénot can complain about the term "Holocaust" for the Jews' share in the Bloodlands. Their allied "Groypers" can snark about the body-count, and about the means by which the Vernichtung took place. But they keep letting slip the base facts.

The facts are: that Hitler kept promising to punish the Jews, his men punished the Jews, and Europe in 1945 exited the war with MANY fewer admitted Jews than when she entered it in 1939.

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