Monday, August 17, 2020

Charging stations

'Toccurs to me, when I was looking at charging-stations in L1 or in orbit, that said tech could be used just as well by balloons floating 70 km over the Venerean surface. In particular over the equator where I be flyin' the Forever Flotilla. Given the low pressures at the altitude: quite literally, the horizon is the limit.

The balloons soak up solar and charge just enough battery to keep the beacons on, during the long darkside night. Otherwise in daylight they beam over the power to the aerofoils - supplementing how the aerofoils charge their own, stronger batteries.

These satellites they are proposing for Earth are designed for low-alpha, high-efficiency, and low overall weight. Exactly what we can use for balloons - not necessarily polar.

We might even get Republicans on board with this. The free market can absolutely work in the great sky over Venus, to compete over the best balloons to beam the best energy.

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