Friday, August 7, 2020

La Bouchet East

Hubisz, Williams, and Siepel in their sea of percentages notes that Denisovans were 1% paraHuman. The trio date these strands to about the same time and presume about the same event, with about the same counterparty. Likely Homo Erectus.

We don't directly have the Erectus genome. The three just know he met some sort of Denisovan. Stephanie Pappas writes, a million years ago when the Denisovans... didn't yet exist. The actual paper is more clear about "divergence time" and "migration time"; the million year span refers to tdiv. tmig - when Sup>Den happened - was after 225 kya. If we were to go look, Sulawesi looks promising.

Of course 225 kya falls into the same La Bouchet when Sundaland was subject to flooding. While Neanders were enjoying themselves west, paraDenisova got in on it east.

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