Friday, September 11, 2020


I cannot say I have been following the Minneapolis case, except that the notion that Derek Chauvin "murdered" Floyd is laughable and that the Trump Campaign are poltroons to give air to that meme. Ja'Ron Smith should have been fired long, long ago. And Trump should have been impeached this May.

A few facts have come out in the last week. To whit: George Floyd was a courier of narcotics in 2019 who got away with it then by ingesting the evidence and surviving. That foreshadows what the MN coroner reported this past 2020 spring. Since Floyd accidentally killed himself (he may have had CoVID sequelae as well), no wilful homicide charge can stick to anyone else. Likewise I should blame CoVID if someone infected died of "organ failure" in the hospital. (For that I would blame Republican voters and antifa.)

Another strange wrinkle is Chauvin, the Head Whiteboi In Charge of that crime-scene, throwing his underlings under the police-van on account they got there first and didn't handle it perfect. In my capacity as erstwhile [Houston] juror: by bickering amongst themselves, ... this defence(s) stands to piss off the jury. Evidence will, however, come out that nobody at this scene wanted Floyd to die.

These cops' careers are ruined on account everyone involved has demonstrated their unfitness for this service. They will assuredly lose in a Floyd-family civil suit. They won't be able to pay any of these dues but meh.

It was arguably Negligent Homicide all 'round. If the MN DA office were asking for that verdict, they'd probably get it - just because the defendants are all backbiters. Unfortunately for the DA, the prosecution're asking for a murder verdict and on that much, the facts are clear. It was no such thing.

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