Friday, January 20, 2023

Babel's strength considered hideous

I, like Richard Hanania, have a soft spot for Megaprojects and a, er, hard spot against silly humans. But Hanania might be a silly human.

(Yeah, the metaphor kind of got creepy, I realised; but... let's not overthink, here.)

Far be it from this blog to #cancel a fascist for being fascist, or a eugenicist for being eugenicist; but Christopher Wray is a fascist, and the whole Davos crew oh-so-concerned about Overpopulation is eugenicist. (As for antisemites... ehh. How much does any Palestinian at that link care more than I care?)

All of us should consider that the megawealthy at Davos, exactly by their concern for Overpopulation, has Disdain For Plebs. One set of regulars over there was the Soros family. Sure the Soroi absented themselves this particular year. Doesn't matter. The Soroi were there previous years and it was in those years they stuffed America's cities with district-attorneys who have made them at least as uninviting as Mars. Can we be assured that the remaining attendees would Effective-Altruist us differently?

I suppose Hanania and I, Semite-to-Semite, can agree upon journalism as such. Although there's journalism (independent), and there's Journ-O-List (a no-irony messaging conspiracy). On that...

Real journalism would see that Stalinist boondoggles cause dislocation. Yes, even if Josif is playing the capitalist and speaking Arabic. Maybe those hajjis who outstayed their welcome deserve that dislocation. Are we going to have that discussion? A journalist might raise this for discussion.

To sum up, I don't feel like Hanania has organised his thoughts sufficiently to offer any real plan (or "alternative", if you like) on how we can help humans in the present and propagate humanity in the future.

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