Monday, November 20, 2023

Collective guilt, collective punishment

The latest Tiktok challenge is, apparently, reading what Adam Gadahn ghostwrote for Osama bin Laden two decades ago.

"Humane" arguments for bombing a population into the stone age go more toward, we aim to bomb only [thousands of] the top people, and the rest are just collateral-damage we're not going to think about. Gadahn went that one stage further; like Rabbi Dov Fischer has gone.

Gadahn's line of argument is ... well, it's based and NRx-pilled. The theory is that the Islamic State is accountable only to Allah. Under a Hobbesian sovereign, civilians are innocent. The régime's enemies will concentrate on the sovereign, leaving the kids alone. It's a take, I guess.

It's not the best take. I find common in mediaeval war for Baron A to ravage Baron B's peasants, to prove that Baron B couldn't do his One Job of protecting peasants (and wasn't favoured of G-d). Or maybe your real problem was with Baron B's peasants, who speak the wrong dialect of Old French and are doing Mass bad, to which peasants Baron B is just in the way. But hey: that's just me.

Trump, hamhanded as ever, hoped to ban TikTok. As oft-noted, TikTok is hardly the problem. Where's the counter to this line-of-thought, including on TikTok? Mike Cernovich points out, the same place as where's the Republican Party advertising on Twitter which is nowhere. Hrrr we'll get thrr votes in chrrrch. How's chrrrch doin'?


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