Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Better combustion

ICE here stands for "internal combustion engine", the engine that dare not speak its name.

Casey Handmer thinks that electrical production is going to improve. I am skeptical that we will enjoy it. Governments are antipopulist by nature, so have the motive to Just Stop it. Or at least to hoard it.

Even given a citizen-responsive élite: I don't see energy getting so cheap that the inherent problems of vehicle-portable massive battery or capacitor will be overruled. Bump the chassis and - who's paying the ten-grand for the new battery? Who's putting out the battery-fire?

So I expect petrol to be with us for some time. Japan are finding room for improvement on what performance we can wring from its combustion. Including improved capacitor performance, as work is shunted over there.

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