Saturday, May 4, 2024

Jewish blasphemy-code as Federal law

Legislation is making its way through Capitol Hill, to bestow that Ring of Power we call "the 1964 Civil Rights Act" unto the rabbis.

Andrew Torba holds that this would render illegal much Christian scripture; Eugene Volokh agrees. David Bernstein would suggest the controversy is overblown. He's not here to take your Bibles away ("we're not going to take your guns away, we're just...").

The Baghistan's stance toward Islam, meanwhile, is that the Quran is malformed and that Muslims need to reconsider certain suwar, particularly the ninth. So it is with the Jewish position toward Christianity: Christians have had almost two thousand years to reconsider verses like 1 Thessalonians 2:15, and perhaps entire Gospels like Luke's. The hour, one might say, is close to hand.

Richard Hanania would prefer we just throw the whole Civil Rights Act into a volcano. That might be easier. Or it might not.

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