Sunday, May 12, 2024

Our Archaean timeline

As I was peeking into habitability prospects for star-systems, I had occasion to appeal to the age of the star. I'd based a lot of that on events here on Earth. Let's list up some milestones as this blog has been alerted.

Where stellar-age is marked for a given K or G type, this is calculated from the Main Sequence of hydrogen fusion. That's also whence luminosity; from the baseline of 67.7%, to the 100% of today.

That 2001 paper further implies that we entered the Sequence like 30 million years prior to those first rocks. However: this looks like rounding-error. Our "T Tauri era" when Sol roasted out all its interior soot is, therefore, a "B.C." to this exercise.

... which exercise must be general. We are excluding the "Boring Billion", the abrupt core transitions, the 19-hour Moon lock, Ediacara, Cambrian or Chicxulub. I figure them for ludus naturae specific to this system, or Acts Of God. For all I know, the Lord G-d unpurpled our planet too; so, that's where we'll leave this count to the 'alamûn.

Also excluded: "Late Heavy Bombardment". It's untestable for Luna and didn't hit Vesta. I did however divert to Mars as a proxy for the water-ocean here on Earth too; it's a prerequisite for stromatolites. UPDATE 6/6: The water seems sudden upon the Earth, amidst nonmagnetism. This seems bombardic.

So, we're focused on the unbreathable Archaean. In millions of years:

For other systems: M dwarfs take longer to enter the main sequence. Its oldest (roasted) rocks will precede the start of the star's clock. I don't know about K except that its "goldilocks" status has been overstated.

In our future: 4800 My will occasion that last desert continent when the Sun be 102%. 5 My, we're steamworld although the core will probably keep us a nice cloudy Sudarsky II from a distance. 6 My, tectonics stall and we're fully Venereal.

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