Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Persians on the moon

Reynolds links the wall of death. The "millennial" generation might rather consider Prince of Persia - in its 2000s form (not to be confused with our 2D version, fellow X'ers).

Imagine if the Islamic Republic could lob rockets to the Moon instead of at Jews all the time, sigh. But anyway.

I expect this is transportable to Mars' and Mercury's gravity. Maybe not for spinwheel space habitats, because of Coriolis; luckily those are already arbitrarily-imbued with gravity.

Running around slightly-angled walls for that extra bit of G does sound fun. But it may be hard on the ankles. Special gear for those?

The Guardian, bless it, took the time to look up alternatives - up in Northumbria University, where they found Nick Caplan. He points out that once we're talking special gear, we may as well go all the way with inflatable cuffs.

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