Wednesday, September 18, 2019


In Christmas season 1995 I sent my grandfather George Reid a letter, composed in Microsoft Word, part of which concerned the research I'd just done about the Arzawa kingdom (my first history webpage!), much of whose content now makes up the Infogalactic page. Over early March in 1996, my grandfather composed a very long letter back. This, he'd typed out on a typewriter. I've always wanted to script out his letter into a web page of his own; but never got around to it. In August this year, the family reunited to honour my grandfather's memory. I still hadn't got around to typing up his mail.

Now that I've been on the topic of the Crusaders' endgame, and since Khwarezm was noted, I have picked up his letter again. I have broken it into three pieces: the personal letter, the main body, and a postscript. You can read them in any order you like. They are all dated to 15 March 1996. I have edited them all as lightly as I could, except for the postscript.

The main body has Mr Reid's chosen title, "The Rise and Fall of the Khwarismian Turks". You will find that its main text is a chronicle of the Indian Summer, if you will, of the Crusade in Palestine as the Lion's Heart had left it. The Khwarismians are passers-by.

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