Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The first neoconservative pundit

If I am reading Phillips right: the Pope (Innocent III) called a Crusade, lacking the funds to direct said Crusade. After the Fourth Crusade set sail and didn't go the way Innocent wanted, Innocent bemoaned how it didn't go the way he wanted.

For some people, that would exonerate Innocent - and exonerate Catholicism - from the disaster.

For others, that excuse runs hollow. Unfortunately for Catholics, the Venn of "those who don't buy Innocent's excuse" and "those who aren't currently Catholic" is pretty much the same circle. For those New Romans who still remembered the Latin tongue, "Innocent" - the "Harmless" - was a name ironic indeed.

When you start a war, you enter a dark room - so said another cradle-Catholic, at another time. When you ask for a war and you don't think too hard about who's paying for it: ... later on, I'm sure you can find some apologists to defend your agitations, retroactively.

G-d knows better, as they say.

Holy Mary, pray for Innocent... and pray for the neoconservatives, and pray for me.

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