Thursday, September 5, 2019

The worst cereal

I first heard of this "millet" thing from the excellent wuxia movie Iron Monkey, which (I think) Quentin Tarantino had recommended to us. It was some sort of cereal. The protagonist of the movie was sent to hunt down the Iron Monkey, a folk-hero in that part of China. The hunter was left to eat millet because nobody would sell him any other kind of food.

Again via the HBDChick: millet spread westward during the Bronze Age, into the steppes, where the Afanasievo / Agnean protoTocharians were starting to settle. The researchers don't find millet among the humans; it went to their livestock. (I don't know what, if any, cereal grains or other veggies these humans did eat; it just wasn't millet.)

So, finally, I "get" the joke in Iron Monkey: this guy was left to eat feed for sheep.

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