Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Upload #181: Mr. Fix-It

It's that day again, its eighteenth anniversary. On this day I like to do something relevant so : herrre's an Upload post.

Since we last did this, a couple months back, I read Brubaker on scribal corrections. For "Scriptures of the Women", I now understand - through the scribes' failure to understand - why sura 4 used kâna so often in its rhyme-endings. (I had help from Nicolai Sinai here.)

Further, scribal omission-and-readmission in sura 9 led me to a new 9>57 link for "Monks and Muslims". "Ledger of War", further upstream, has an improved understanding of "God's Pleasure" and its sources - mainly sura 5. "Clarity" has a 68>42 link. "Promised Egypt" has sura 10 possibly witnessing a sura 30 variant.


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