Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Buy-Bull Museum

The Hobby Lobby owner has a Museum Of The Bible in DC. The Museum exists to bypass Secular Humanist collections, so to deliver an alternative message to the people.

I am so far doing my best not to be sarcastic. I am an independent researcher / (semi)publisher myself.

But too-often those who dispute the modern Texto Implicito devolve into Protestant Bible literalism which is (even) stoopider. With the Barbie Bible Museum, we can add that they buy stuff from likewise-independent Near Eastern retailers.

And by "independent retailer" I mean thief. Sometimes these guys steal stuff off the ground - ISIS got in on that racket. In this case they've just made sh!t up. ALL the "Dead Sea Scroll" fragments are on ancient leather... modern ink. I take it that on fragment 15QJub frag 3recto the doodle of a rocket ship was also a clue.

We can thank another team of independent researchers for the tip-off on the Exhibit Of Last Week's Pseudepigrapha. Sadly with outfits like the Museum, the more-respectable researchers don't want even to touch it. So the rubes come in to see what the Really Smart rubes have bought.

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