Sunday, March 29, 2020

Upload #188b: the wind blows on

When one makes a change on a great scale, old assumptions ripple out as errors. Consider this update today a continuation of yesterday's.

On the 'Abbâsî assumption that sura 29 was later than (I now know) it is, "Against Jihad" was having that one quote from sura 35 as well as from sura 16. I'd thought sura 35 was quoting sura 16 as well... so something had to give. "Islamic Ethics" now has sura 35 quoting from sura 29. From sura 43 too.

Some of the 16/35 links turn out to be independent adaptations. One such was the Tasrif al-Riyahi, in sura 16 but not 35. That's from sura 2 and/or 45 - probably sura 45. It's all from sura 25 ultimately so I have added that 25>45 to "Defending the Days of Allâh", and another 45>16 to "Plots". Long overdue, for the former; I already knew of a parallel but didn't then know what to do with it, so buried it in a footnote. This killed a tentative (but wrong!) 45>34 in "What Waits Beside These Roads".


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