Sunday, March 8, 2020

You are going to catch the virus

Whether you're Elizabeth Warren or Donald John Trump: read this graph.

Both parties, playing their Daes Dae'mar, have hitherto been more concerned with using the crisis for advantage than in thinking about how to solve it. Warren can be singled out as the worst Democrat (taking funds from border control to fight the virus? really?). Politico gets on the roll of shame as well. Luckily for us, most Democrat voters saw through it, choosing two candidates who've at least kept their traps shut on this.

But Donald Trump has been just as bad in his own way. In fact: worse than all the Democrats. In classic Swamp style, Trump has acted on the principle that the people do not need to know.

Tucker Carlson had some good takes but even he has missed this central point. Perhaps because he does not wish to displease His Imperial Majesty.

The United States must immediately take action to create hospital space and to free up what space it now has.

It should also work to halt the decay of the American lung. A Federal-level push against inhaled tobacco and marijuana products should be a no-brainer.

It should consider an age-limit on who gets to board an aeroplane, never mind flaccid "recommendations". It should definitely stop gatherings of more than X number of people... and that assuredly includes Trump rallies (and Bernie's).

Above all: Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and the whole lot of the GOP need to cut the malarkey, inform us why these actions are being taken, and show this graph.

If this post offends libertarian sensibilities - not my problem. Will we catch this bug anyway? Yeah, probably. But it is better to catch it in October when "only" 600 other people are catching it, than in April when 600,000 people are catching it.

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