Friday, October 2, 2020

Conservatives' march of folly

Conservative thinkers warn voters that in the future, America will become more driven by experts and more hostile to whites and to Christians. White voters receive horror-stories about how their speech will be further trammeled, their job prospects shut out, their culture made anathema. Christian voters, the same.

Conservatives, the acceptable-Right tribunes for Whites and Christians, assume that we don't deserve what's coming. As tribunes they don't have to argue the point... for them. For the rest of us, I suggest they do so.

In the tradition of Erasmus, the historian Barbara Tuchman published The March Of Folly in the 1980s. This proposed a definition of "folly" as pigheaded continual error, compounded because we humans never like to admit to ourselves when we done f$# it up. The the extent American Conservatives don't take the transmission or effect of the CoVID-19 virus as serious, even as their leaders succumb to it: they are fools.

The Conservative answer to the problem of 2020 fluctuates between outright denial, and apocalyptic fantasy. Now Americans are in an election cycle, their politicos have returned to that old mainstay "but otherwise a Democrat might win".

Among normal people, whenever an outside crisis emerges, those people seek out the expertise of specialists. I hasten to agree that those specialists haven't always got it right. The CDC has offered self-contradictions without, and floated the Critical Race Theory within. But most humans (I do not here speak about corporate boards and HR departments, they're not entirely human) have a nose for basic measures of self-protection. If they're on the Internet they can find who knows what's up.

As a result, people of three-digit IQ have been migrating away from the Conservatives. These mhaggrayé are not people who think they are smart - that's every Tom, Dunning, and Kruger. These ex-Conservatives are the people who've taken the real, g-loaded IQ tests. When you're three-digit, you or at least your parents have picked out the tests which actually work. That wouldn't include the SAT since its 1990s "recentering". Ex-Conservatives know they are smart, on an objective level; and they don't care to associate with morons.

To be lowercase-"white", in this majority culture, is to be unworthy of one's inheritance. Whiteness is to hold onto inherited capital - "privilege" - but to increase in stupidity, and to fall behind in society. There is an opportunity to say It's Okay To Be White but white Conservatives keep proving by their words and deeds that they are anything but okay.

I suggest to Conservatives that they quit proving the elites correct.

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