Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Beer Gut Putsch

Some militia yahoos attempted to overthrow the government of Michigan. Richard Spencer condemns the plot. Ed Driscoll doesn't. Not saying Driscoll needs to condemn an anarchist, but he whaddabouts it all to the Antifa.

I am hardly one to deny to my readers their right to an "extreme" opinion. But.

If you want my opinion I agree with Spencer that this was illegal and stupid and, I'll add, evil. I condemn all that is (intrinsically) illegal, stupid, and evil. I condemn anarchy also, but I am repeating myself.

Spencer's initial take was that the FBI agent(s) should have scotched this thing before any actual planning was being done, like the house surveillance. To that, I must report that I've been around the Right long enough to know that you can't defuse stupid. MacG asks rather if the agents had done some of the work themselves.

Even though this circus and its monkeys are decidedly someone else's property, whatever circus you're in: if you encounter discussion of intrinsically illegal action (and I don't mean e.g. posting flyers), please ask yourself if you are - now - the target of an investigation. Know your limitations; if you cannot become the FBI agent yourself, then just get out. If you don't trust the FBI then rat out the plot to whatever local authorities aren't in on it.

And after the fact, don't downplay it. WHADDABOUT ANTIFA is downplaying it.

WELL LOOKY 10/10: Turns out this was a BLM op.

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