Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Low-energy water filtration

Here is a chemical process to bring Carbon-Dioxide and saltwater together, and get pure(r) water back. As a chemical process this does the electromagnetic work currently done by massive amounts of electricity. Electricity which, as noted, currently has to be supplied usually by carbon emitters.

In space, I see desalination needed out where it's both icy (because low sunlight) and salty. Mars may have briny lakes [UPDATE 12/12: if we can keep 'em]. So does Ceres, perhaps frozen. Europa's ocean is brine too. Over here that Qaṭṭāra notion gave up a briny lake. And so on.

Over here, they still haven't the efficiencies to sequester atmospheric CO2 for this purpose. But perhaps that doesn't matter. If there is increased demand for this gas as against energy, coal energy plants elsewhere can research ways to turn their carbon waste into a goldmine.

Add to coal-counties moving their coal to the surface with NuScale: if coal plants can resell their gas, coal is looking at seriously competing with natural-gas again.

COMPETITION 1/2/2021: Filters are better understood. So don't count 'em out yet!

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