Monday, April 26, 2021


Berenson is back. Now with an anecdote about a vaccin-ee dying a couple weeks later.

I read about this first from Hanania, who unfortunately prefaces his poast with a "LOL", a tell for insecurity.

Hanania does have a good point that vaccines are demonstrably doing their job. That is why India wants some, and why it is being considered a diplomatic failure that Biden's and Harris' Administration has been slow-walking this. A shift to the individual is what Scott Adams (and Joseph Stalin) would call a rhetorical kill shot. Millions saved in Israel is a statistic; one Israeli dead is Twitter.

All this said, vaccines might be a strain on the heart. The virus was a strain on the heart; a vaccine is by definition a nontransmissible virus-imitator; therefore, some cardio problems should be anticipated. It's been noted that we're doing a global Phase III. It's been deemed a hit on Trump (including by me) that his Administration didn't open up these 'cines earlier.

To offer some recent autobiography here, I'll disclose I walked probably ten miles on Saturday, and I felt absolutely miserable Sunday morning. Not just the ankles n' calves; I'm talking about lung function, fatigue, all of that. I wondered if I'd caught the Pooh Flu after all.

It's Monday and I ain't dead yet so I'll say - it was probably cardio. I could be more active than I have been, and I'm not. (I could also be younger, but, well.) I cannot rule out that the vaccine is a hit to the heart. But sitting around opens your heart to those hits, and to others. (Cernovich has been playing up elsewhere that booze is bad and so's weed, although he's also big on psychedelics, which I'd not recommend for heart patients either.)

To sum up I'll say this: the virus is worse, and unlike the vaccine the virus will spread. So, my advice is, get your steps in. If you can walk ten miles, do it. If you have a gym go to it.

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