Monday, April 12, 2021

First round, done wit'

Colorado opened up the vaccines 1-2 April. They sent me a message about that on the evening of 2 April when I'd already found out via hearsay. So, this whole zipcode had basically ran out of supply by the time I found out.

I'd signed up with Dr B last month; I signed up with Walgreens last week and I kept refreshing the locator page for Safeway, also. Didn't bother with Walmart or the local hospital.

The usual pattern with Walgreens was to say "appointments available" and make me fill out the same. Stupid. Questionnaire over and over, before telling me "haha, fooled you". For Safeway, I always got "no" in 5 miles and sometimes a "limited availability" if I was up for driving all the way to da hood in downtown Denver or Aurora (more rarely, Boulder or Thornton). As for Dr B... I did get a text. One text, for Thornton.

Somehow Walgreens got its act together last Friday because it found DOZENS of stores, then. One of them - Pfizer, for Monday PM - in walking distance! (Barely.) I printed out the forms they need, although I'm unsure I need proof of employment in this system. I took that hike to get there by 3 PM (actually a good bit earlier, because I had to fill out a different form than the one on Walgreens' site). They asked me to sit around for ten minutes, tho' they didn't exactly enforce that; now I'm back here at 4.

As for the rest of the week: as we all know, immunity takes some days to kick in, so no fun n' games just yet. Anyway I hear the weather is going to be snow and cold rain until the weekend. I don't want a bacterial pneumonia any more than I want CoVID.

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