Friday, May 7, 2021

Here's some drama

Early this morning before getting to work I read Peter Hotez' (MD, PhD) twitter, talking about an antivaxx "harassment machine". It started up with an eye-catching graphic of the Nuremberg hangings of Mengele after The War: Today was a rough, more than most. Sharyl Attkisson was named-n'-shamed for pointing her readers to that Natural News site.

I will disclose my position: antivaxxers are anti-life. To the extent "good" and "evil" have meaning, to be anti-life is to be evil. I think hbdchick is about on the same wavelength, on the outs with the Church where I'm on the, er, ins; it's hbdchick's Twitter where I got the information. All this predisposes me to Hotez. Which means I need to be more careful, on this topic.

Luckily for me, I was at work today and, thereby, on the outs with Twitter. I had a feeling this morning that all of this talk of harassment was a bit too conveeeenient. Sicknick's "martyrdom" by fire-extinguisher and then by bear-spray both turned out to be bogus. As I come back to Professor Peter Hotez, MD, PhD, I see he has deleted his comment and thread. Brandy Zadrozny is still up though. And he's got more allegations - if you believe them, which I guess I do.

Hotez hasn't backed down from his position, which is that "anti-science" needs to be treated [passive-voice] at the same level as terrorism and nuclear-proliferation. The C-word is raised. Oh, and he's a Russiabro too of course. His overall argument is that Biden needs to send the Marines after Attkisson and Natural News, with guns; and maybe nuke Moskva too.

I think I know the motive behind deleting that thread: Hotez was denying his readers access to Attkisson and Natural News. Because Hotez is a censor. Hotez speaks out for the Truth; y'all are just harassers.

I don't believe that Hotez is in a moral high-ground to talk about extremism and violence. Hotez is himself an extremist who wants someone else to do his violence for him. If Hotez dislikes harsh rhetoric against him, Hotez should use less of it against others.

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