Monday, May 3, 2021

Round Two

Just got my second round of Pfizer in Minecraft. I am pretty sure I didn't get microchipped because, who's got money for that.

I must report in all fairness that my menstrual cycle is a bit late. It's only been three weeks since the first jab, so I'm not worried yet. I'll keep y'all posted.

Whilst we're waiting, here's Saletan on the freeloading Right; and here's Derek Thompson. I'll butt in to the latter to agree with many who caught this bug already, that they don't need a vaccine as well.

All this said, I'll refer to Cernovich yesterday when he mused that those who took the vaccine are a "personality type". The Right sees us as... well, as Others. We're dupes at best - and whose dupes? Satan's dupes. Hence why Right gyms are banning those who took the jab; and hence, now, why Right schools are blocking the vaccinated from their children. Partly that's tit-for-tat: they virtue-signal, we virtue-signal; Our Bodies Our Choices, blah blah.

But I think it's more, at this point. It was the Mask Of The Beast over at Ace's (before he banned me); now, it's the vaxx. It's not even the stupid microchip thing. We chose to accept The Narrative of The Elites.

Maybe the Elites are a bunch of midwits. They're still smarter than ... morons. And as we circle back to Saletan, and more-mildly to Thompson, we are going to need a conversation as to what we as Americans can tolerate. Because we know how far the Right tolerates.

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