Saturday, May 8, 2021

Saving the Host

Every now and again one runs across a story about some disaster that befalls a church building. The priest runs in to protect the most sacred relic in there... the wafers of Communion. This happened at Peshtigo, with fire; and long ago in Avignon, with water.

If you are not Catholic, or even for many Catholics, you are probably thinking "you fool". All the precious metals that are likely in there, maybe even precious books and you dare the flames for some biscuits that may or may not even be consecrated.

I'll say this, even if the Host is a MacGuffin with no value outside our faith. Jumping in to spare the Host is inspiring to others. Lay Catholics watching their pastor risk his life will be inspired to go in there with him to spare other relics from the disaster. Say: those books I was talking about. Or the sacred vessels (which, G-d willing, nobody plans on absconding with).

Above all, this impresses upon every observer that we are serious about the Real Presence of Our Lord. Risk-our-lives serious.

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