Thursday, May 27, 2021

Peştera Muierii 1

Peştera Muierii 1 is sequenced. She's a Dacian cave woman from 33kBC give-or-take.

Her tribe had been in the Balkans for five millennia already, so she's already not much more Neander than we are. Earlier tribes famously met n' mingled with Neanders; Peştera Muierii's folk, we suppose, couldn't. As may have been mentioned, that people didn't contribute to modern human DNA and is a dead end.

Although, Stone Age Europe by then had plenty of other human tribes who could meet n' mingle with one other. Our gal was a mutt, with lots of ancestry from several distinct ethnicities. So several and so distinct that the researchers are calling shenanigans on any population-bottleneck from the Out Of Africa movement in the 70s kBC. Probably wasn't just the one movement. And the Toba explosion did nothing.

Modern Eurasians are bottlenecked however. So if not Toba and if not early human refusal of more African migrations, what then?

Uppsala University says: probably the Ice Age aka Late Glacial Maximum. Eurasia must have been depopulated, or near enough, with much of that earlier diversity constrained. As we find in Siberia.

In other Late Glacial news, "safe" from the ice, the Nubians took it in the pants. I don't think Cushitic (like Oromi) was a thing yet and I know the Semites didn't even exist. So: Nilo-Saharan. As ever, cold Earth means dry Sahara. Means African famines and war.

RAISING 5/28: This was a slow week for news I care about, a heavy week at work. I'd backdated this one even when I posted it, Wednesday I think (no way was this a Monday poast). If I'd seen the other links coming I'd have held it in draught and waited. Ah well.

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