Thursday, July 22, 2021


Dr Brytney Cobia in Alabama went to (two-digit URL, niiice) to offer her perspective, which she'd posted on Facebook. This got touted by both sides: Richard Spencer on the [national-]social-ish side, and of course Denninger on the sort-of other side. Either way it's certainly (((our fault))).

Denninger takes the high road by demanding the nurse's job for Public-Health Disinformatsiya, along with ten years in the pen and the loss of her children to the foster system. His evidence for the malfeasance is that drr nobody died.

Indeed: last day of record is 20 July, and nobody died since this surge began 23 June(ish). What I see, pace the fools, is a spike on 20 July: 999 new cases 7/15 to 3023 new cases 7/20 (with the usual dip in between because people weren't coming in to be tested). That is a tripling.

Dr Cobia, I admit, triggers the "and for no reason at all..." reflex on account she marvels at how come Alabamians don't Trust The Medical System. Well maybe because of stunts like this, wherein social-distancing was NOT observed nor recommended for, you know, anti-police rioters. Cobia is too slick with the Party-approved language to be entirely trusted in what edicts she delivers in this language. Still.

Not to be a ghoul, but deaths follow hospitalisations follow symptomatic cases. It was like that all year, and the srrvatives were saying exactly what they are saying now, and were just as (evilly) wrong then. Cobia reveals that Alabama is deep in the "hospitalisation" zone - in fact, the intubation zone. This will get worse.

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